Hey Technoweb Tricks Readers, I Gonna Tell You..How To Promote Your Business With Facebook??
5 Best Ways To Promote Your Business With Facebook-
If done correctly, you can use Facebook to promote your products & services, build awareness, research consumer opinion and much more! Here's a few ways...
Facebook Pages
You can create a free page for your business or web site with Facebook Pages which gives your business a presence on Facebook. You can think of it as the equivalent of your Facebook personal profile, only for your business or web site.
You can add your business details and logo and you can also spice up your Facebook Page with a range of applications.
Facebook users who become fans of your Facebook Page can post on the wall, buy your products, learn about special events or promotions, join discussion boards and upload photos and video content to your Facebook Page.
You can also send message updates to all your Facebook Page fans at once, which you cannot do with your Personal Profile.
You want to keep the social aspect of Facebook in mind as you create your Facebook Page for your business, and try to present the social, human element of your business as much as possible on your Facebook Page.
To create your Facebook Page...
Log into your Facebook home page and search for Create A Facebook Page via the search bar at the top of each page.
You might also want to have a quick browse through existing Facebook Pages in your niche before you create your own page. You can find these pages here...
You'll have various applications and options you can use once you've created your Facebook Page.
Here are some options you may want to consider...
Facebook Notes....
The Notes Feature allows you to post notes in a similar way to blogging. You can add Notes to your personal profile or to your Facebook Pages.
Facebook users can subscribe to your Facebook Notes via RSS in the same way they would on any normal Blog. You can even import one external Blog into Facebook Notes via an RSS feed.
Facebook Events...
You can use the Facebook Events feature to create events pages for launches, openings or any other online or offline events you are hosting.
You can invite the fans of your Facebook Page to your events and they will be able to accept, decline or "maybe" your invitation. Your friends will also see a reminder of the event when they log in to their Facebook home page.
Facebook Ads....
Facebook Ads allow you to use Facebook's platform for targeted advertising of your business. This is similar to AdWords content ads. You pay Facebook per click or per impression for ads which are displayed to your choice demographic among Facebook users.
You can target your ads to specific Facebook users according to age, gender, location and interests.
Should you consider Facebook Ads for your web business?
Paid web advertising can work for you when you provide high-profit goods or services.
You will therefore have the Return On Investment (ROI) to justify the expenses of advertising. You may want to consider keeping to free methods of exposure such as Facebook Pages and Groups should you not be in a high ROI situation.
You want to make sure to research the service well before you get started and then be sure to test your market at first with only small campaigns. You can always increase the size of your campaigns when you see which ads convert well.
You can get started with Facebook Ads by clicking the Advertising link at the bottom of your Facebook home page.
Facebook for Market Research.....
You will also find market research opportunities with Facebook...
Browse through Groups and Pages in your niche for a snapshot of the level of interest and activity.
How large is a group? How many members join each day? What are people's interests according to what they post on the group wall?
The answers to these questions can provide you with general data about the size of your niche and activity within your niche among Facebook users.
You can also create your own Facebook Group about a specific problem or issue in your niche and use it to ask questions to people who join. You can use the information you gather from the Group for content ideas for your web site or products you wish to develop.
A tech-blogger from Assam where you can find various apps, tips-tricks, tech news and much more...
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Saturday, 12 April 2014
How to Remove a Virus by Using Command Prompt??
Dear Technoweb Tricks Readers, Today I am going to tell you How to Remove a Virus by Using Command Prompt..
Virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect your computer. These viruses can spread via USB/flash drive or from one computer to other computer by few written codes. There are manyantivirus software available to remove viruses from computer. But there are some viruses or suspicious files which can’t be removed by anyantivirus software. |
Some suspicious files such as autorun.inf initiate all the viruses in pc. These files must be removed for safe operation of your pc, because they may lead to data loss, software damages etc. Such viruses and files can be removed by using cmd. In this article we will discuss how to remove a virus using command prompt.
Following steps can be used to remove a virus using command prompt from your computer.
1-Go to start menu and type “cmd” in the search box or Start>all programs>accessories>command prompt.
2-Open the infected drive such as write , g: to go to G drive.
3-Now type dir/w/a . It will show all the files of the drive including hidden files.
4-Locate AUTORUN.INF or any Virus and other suspicious files in the directory.
There was no virus in my drive so only autorun.inf is been highlighted.
5-Type command attrib -r –a –s –h to remove attributes of corresponding file.
there was no virus in my drive so only autorun.inf is been highlighted. - See more at: http://www.besthacking.in/2014/03/how-to-remove-virus-using-command-prompt.html#sthash.tVh2Nh3H.dpuf
Type del autorun.inf to delete autorun.inf file.
Type del autorun.inf to delete autorun.inf file. 6- Now type del virus name.exe t delete it, eg : del newfolder.exe
(You can also delete viruses by using following steps):
1- When you find an Autorun.inf file or any other unusual .exe file just rename it.
Syntax for rename is (rename filename.extension new name , for example: (rename autorun.inf virus) to rename autorun.inf file. Here I have renamed it by “virus”.
2-Now you can access the defected drive without affecting the virus.
3-To delete the renamed file go to the defected drive and select the fileyou renamed.
Now delete the harmful renamed files.)
You have deleted that virus successfully but sometimes virus resides in the Recycler folder.To locate this folder:
4-Type cd recycler command
5-Again type dir/w/a to locate all file of the folder.
6-Identify malicious files and delete them using above commands.
Follow the above steps carefully and i think this information is enough to remove a virus using command prompt easily.
Important: Make sure that no other processes being running while performing these actions. Best of luck.
Increase internet speed by 20% without any software-
Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes like Windows Updates and interrogating your PC etc. By unreserving this bandwidth, you can make your internet connection faster. By 20%. The steps to do so are –
1. Click Start then Run and type "gpedit.msc" without quotes.
2.Then go to Local Computer Policy>Computer Configuration>Administrative
Templetes>Network>QoS Packet Scheduler. Click on QoS Packet Scheduler. In the right side , find Limit Reservable Bandwidth and double click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth.
3. It will say it is not configured but the truth is under the ‘Explain’ tab. Select ‘Enable’ and set reservable bandwidth to zero.
4. Click on ‘Apply’ and your internet speed will boost up by 20%.
3. It will say it is not configured but the truth is under the ‘Explain’ tab. Select ‘Enable’ and set reservable bandwidth to zero.
4. Click on ‘Apply’ and your internet speed will boost up by 20%.
Advance Matrix Effect Using Notepad.
How To Create Matrix File?
1. Open Notepad and copy below code.
@echo off
color 0A
echo b r E w e 4 e T r 8 M e F r a c h a S t 3 D a C r a s p e s T e 4 h 2 w r e G 2
ping -w .9 >nul
echo R E 9 8 8 R a t r e g 6 n u m A b R E X e Y A T u C 7 a D R a c r u C e B E p e
ping -w .9 >nul
echo c E B E s A d R u B R 3 H e R u D 7 g u d U 7 T a b u T 5 e p E 2 a v e 6 8 a Z
ping -w .9 >nul
echo n u r A X a j a s t a 9 h a 6 e h e G a s u t r a t r A y a f E q u 8 u b R u d
ping -w .9 >nul
echo k u v e 4 E 6 3 e t r a d r e f e y e q e 6 U H e z U b r u R a s 2 4 3 r A N a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v u P R a b R u c e d U s w a h a c r a t h U 7 r a h u t u h u V e 7 U k u S a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo T e D r e 8 A p r a d a b u f U c u c E h E t 7 c r 5 s P a f r e t h u t 9 u t
ping -w .9 >nul
echo b R u G e p a R e s a P H e P a 2 U d 4 P r e F A b a t h a t h U s w a d R U d
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v U Y a C R e T R 9 k u b e D r a T 6 u j e 5 2 4 e B a f 2 u b 5 w A p a y U Y
ping -w .9 >nul
echo b r E w e 4 e n r 8 M e F r a c h a S t 3 D a C r a s p e s T e 4 a 2 w r e G 2
ping -w .9 >nul
echo k u v e 4 E 6 3 e t r a d r e f e y e q e 6 U H e z U b r u R a s 2 4 3 r A N a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v u P R a b s u c e d U s w a 3 a c r a t h U 7 r a k u t u h u V e 7 U k u S a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo n u r A X a j a s t a 9 h a 6 e h e G a s u t r a t r A y a f E q u 8 u b u u d
ping -w .9 >nul
goto A
color 0A
echo b r E w e 4 e T r 8 M e F r a c h a S t 3 D a C r a s p e s T e 4 h 2 w r e G 2
ping -w .9 >nul
echo R E 9 8 8 R a t r e g 6 n u m A b R E X e Y A T u C 7 a D R a c r u C e B E p e
ping -w .9 >nul
echo c E B E s A d R u B R 3 H e R u D 7 g u d U 7 T a b u T 5 e p E 2 a v e 6 8 a Z
ping -w .9 >nul
echo n u r A X a j a s t a 9 h a 6 e h e G a s u t r a t r A y a f E q u 8 u b R u d
ping -w .9 >nul
echo k u v e 4 E 6 3 e t r a d r e f e y e q e 6 U H e z U b r u R a s 2 4 3 r A N a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v u P R a b R u c e d U s w a h a c r a t h U 7 r a h u t u h u V e 7 U k u S a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo T e D r e 8 A p r a d a b u f U c u c E h E t 7 c r 5 s P a f r e t h u t 9 u t
ping -w .9 >nul
echo b R u G e p a R e s a P H e P a 2 U d 4 P r e F A b a t h a t h U s w a d R U d
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v U Y a C R e T R 9 k u b e D r a T 6 u j e 5 2 4 e B a f 2 u b 5 w A p a y U Y
ping -w .9 >nul
echo b r E w e 4 e n r 8 M e F r a c h a S t 3 D a C r a s p e s T e 4 a 2 w r e G 2
ping -w .9 >nul
echo k u v e 4 E 6 3 e t r a d r e f e y e q e 6 U H e z U b r u R a s 2 4 3 r A N a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo v u P R a b s u c e d U s w a 3 a c r a t h U 7 r a k u t u h u V e 7 U k u S a
ping -w .9 >nul
echo n u r A X a j a s t a 9 h a 6 e h e G a s u t r a t r A y a f E q u 8 u b u u d
ping -w .9 >nul
goto A
2. Save the file as matrix.bat (.bat is must)
3. Done enjoy !!
- Only 2% of the current Linux kernel written by Linus Torvalds.
- The Linux kernel version is written in the programming language C.
- The first commercial distribution GNU / Linux was Yggdrasil was launched Lice-CD format in 1992. Red Hat was one of the first distributions to settle within companies and data centers in 1999.
- A guy named William Della Croce Jr. registered the name Linux and demanded royalties for use of the mark. Later, he agreed to assign the trademark to the true owner, who is Torvalds.
- Countries such as Russia, Brazil and Venezuela have put their focus on Linux as a basis for interoperable management , cost efficient and technologically independent.
- U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Navy Submarine Fleet, Federal Aviation Administration uses Linux in government offices. Indian state of Tamil Nadu uses Linux for education purpose.
- 90% of the world’s most powerful supercomputers using an operating system GNU / Linux, in fact, the top ten of supercomputers use Linux. In fact, the penetration of Linux in data centers is very high, 33.8% of the world runs on Linux servers compared to 7.3% does so in a Microsoft operating system.
- The name of the penguin, Tux , is not entirely clear. On the one hand, it is said that the origin of the name comes from the fact that penguins appear to be wearing a tuxedo, which in English is said max tuxedo tux and is abbreviated. In contrast, another source comes from the letters of the logo of Tux are Unix Torvalds.
- Torvalds wanted to call the kernel Freax (a combination of “free”, “freak”, and the letter X to indicate that it is a Unix-like), but his friend Ari Lemmke, who administered the FTP server where the kernel was hosted for download, the download directory called kernel of Linux Torvalds.
- Debian was one of the first GNU / Linux that was constituted and organized as a community of developers.
- Linux is present in highly critical applications such as Japan’s bullet trains, traffic control, San Francisco, the New York Stock Exchange, CERN, many air traffic control systems or control of nuclear reactors of submarines and ships many nuclear war.
- Linux programmers are often associated with living “isolated” in the world, however, over 75% of the code developed for the Linux kernel came from private sector developers. In fact, large technology companies like Intel, Google, IBM, AMD, Sun Microsystems, Dell, Asus, HP, Analog Devices, Oracle, Novell or Red Hat help developing applications, contributing to the core or pre-installing any GNU / Linux their machines. In fact, during the 2003 Super Bowl (which paralyzes the United States and remains glued to the TV for many Americans), IBM delivered a beautiful ad talking about Linux and open source options.
- The GNU project in 1991, had no drivers and kernel, that’s what led to Linus Torvalds to address the Linux kernel development. If GNU had had, perhaps, Torvalds had not been put to work on that.
- The Linux kernel is now the most widely ported operating system, running on a great variety of operating systems.
- World known companies such as Google, Cisco, Facebook, Twitter, Linked in etc use Linux as their main operating system.
Spread Linux OS advantages with your friends :-)
Keyboards usually have small LED's which indicates whether different types of locks(num lock, scroll lock, caps lock) are activatedor not. Here is a trick to use the lights of your keyboard in a more creative manner inWindows.
This trick uses a simple Visual basic script which when activatedmakes your scroll lock, caps lock and num locks LED's flash in a cool rhythmic way which gives the perception of a live disco on your keyboard.
To make your own live disco, follow the steps given below:-
- 1. Open Notepad.
- 2. Copy paste the exact code given below:-
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
- 3. Save the file as Disco.vbs or "*.vbs".
This trick has been tested on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 and found to be working perfectly.
You can disable the keyboard disco by following these steps
- Open Task Manager ( ctrl+alt+del )
- go to process tab
- select wscript.exe
- click on end process
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
IDM Universal Crack Free Download
Internet Download Manager is the best download manager available in market today. But, it is a paid software. For those who want to use it for free, I've got a new activator for it. It is called IDM Universal Activator v16.
How to Crack any IDM Version ?
1. Install any version of IDM
2. Download and Run IDM Universal Activator.exe
3. Select IDM installation folder ( ex : C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager )
4. Click Crack button and wait till a window appears
5. Now Enter your First and Last names, Click Activate
6. Wait till it say that IDM activated successfully !
IDM Full version will launch after few seconds
Download Links:
Only Crack
Crack with IDM v6.19 build 2
Official latest version setup
Original Author:
Priyanuj Dey
Follow him on twitter.
Or visit his blog from here
How to Crack any IDM Version ?
1. Install any version of IDM
2. Download and Run IDM Universal Activator.exe
3. Select IDM installation folder ( ex : C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager )
4. Click Crack button and wait till a window appears
5. Now Enter your First and Last names, Click Activate
6. Wait till it say that IDM activated successfully !
IDM Full version will launch after few seconds
Download Links:
Only Crack
Crack with IDM v6.19 build 2
Official latest version setup
Original Author:
Priyanuj Dey
Follow him on twitter.
Or visit his blog from here
Saturday, 1 March 2014
There are some applications which takes much memory and makes your system slow.
It even takes much time to terminate that applications. So to terminate such applications faster , just follow these steps:
Go to Start & Run & Type regedit to open registry editor
Navigate to the following key : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
When you select Desktop , on right window pane you can see a string named HungAppTimeout
Double click that string and set its value to 1000 (default value:5000 in ms)
Now windows can recognize crashed application within and allow you to kill it within a second.
Is Blogger tracking your own Pageviews though you Set blocking cookie????
Here is the solution untill google solves it.
What's the real problem?
Suppose your blog address is abcd.blogspot.com.
What's the real problem?
Suppose your blog address is abcd.blogspot.com.
Just type it in the address bar of the browser and see what happens.
abcd.blogspot.com will be converted to abcd.blogspot.in or abcd.blogspot.ruor abcd.blogspot.uk
depending upon your location.
depending upon your location.
Consider the blog owner is from India. So when he types abcd.blogspot.com his address should be converted to abcd.blogspot.in
But when he set the blocking cookie the cookie will be set forabcd.blogspot.com and not abcd.blogspot.in
To solve this:
If you are using Mozilla Firefox install this Cookies Manager+ addon and edit your blocking cookie to change the Host abcd.blogspot.com to abcd.blogspot.in or .ru or .uk as per your location.
(Just type your blog address in the browser and see how it is ending).
First of all Make sure you have set Do Not Track my Pageviews in blogger.
After installation, Open Cookies Manager+ :
Go to Tools > Cookies Manager+ (In Firefox, to see Tools, Enable menu bar by right clicking on Title bar outside tabs or Click on Firefox on upper left corner Options> Menu bar).
Now type your blog's name so that only cookies related to your blog are shown.
![]() |
Find your blog's Cookies. Please note sometimes only cookie named _ns will there |
Select them One by one and Click Edit to edit Host. Change the .com to .in or .uk or .no according to your country and click Save as New(creates a new cookie)
![]() |
Change .com to .in or .uk or .ru |
![]() |
New Cookies with .in created |
Once all cookies of your blog are edited close Cookie Manager +
Now check if blogger is still tracking your pageviews.
Is it still tracking?? Nooooo
Thanks to Cookies Manager+ by V@no
Now check if blogger is still tracking your pageviews.
Is it still tracking?? Nooooo
Thanks to Cookies Manager+ by V@no
For Chrome Use this addon (Search for Your Blog, expand it and edit cookies as below and click Add Cookie) .
You can open this addon from the main page of chrome. It is there with Youtube, Gmail Search, icons.
Make your PC boot faster by reducing the number of programs running at startup
If your PC is taking too long to boot, it’s probably because you have far too many programs running at startup. Reducing this is easy, it will make your PC launch noticeably faster and lighter upon first load.
To change the items running at startup, go to Run using the hotkey Windows key + R, and type "msconfig." A small window will appear (see the screenshot below), select the Startup tab. From here you will be able to turn off many startup programs, which can shave several seconds (or minutes) off your boot time.
(Note Windows 8 has moved this functionality to the Task Manager).
Try to make sure you research what you are turning off as some processes might be needed by third party programs or drivers you have installed.
How to Send unlimited Free international sms without signing up to any website.
Do you have a internet connection of-course you have 1,,but you still pay charges for sending text to mobiles or message packs.?? Here's a trick to send free SMS to any country without even registering to any website its 101% free and working(self tested).
To send Unlimited free SMS wordwide.
1.Go to freesmscraze.com or just CLICK Here to enter the site
2.Then Select The Country where you want to send sms.
3.Then enter your mobile number
4.And in second box enter mobile number whom you want to send text.
5.Enter the text you want to send in box
6.Click send. (your sms will be sent with 5sec)
7.You can test it on your own number.
How to Increase the Speed of Hard Disk
It is common observation that some times our computer slows down due to low performance of hard drive. This problem happens due to the slow performance or poor speed of hard drive. When we say about poor performance, actually we mean, poor speed of reading/writing of hard drive. This problem can be solved by increasing the hard drive speed. Follow these steps to solve your problem.
Click Start menu and select Run.
Now type (sysedit.exe) in run and press enter.
System configuration editor will appear.
Here you can see some multiple windows but you will select (system.ini).
This window contains a line (386enh)
Now after this line type (irq14=4096)
Now close this window and save it.
Reboot your computer now.
You will surely feel better performance of your computer.
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