
Saturday 30 November 2013



Just follow the below steps:

Step 1:- Open the Notepad.exe
Step 2:- Copy the following code into the notepad.
Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
echo ================== ==================
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
echo Press (Y) for Yes and Press (N) for No.
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
echo ================== ==================
echo -----------------------------------------------------------
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== YOUR PASSWORD goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End
Step 3:- Now change the password in the if NOT %pass%==YOUR PASSWORDgoto FAIL line replace text of Your
Password with your password for the folder lock.
Step 4:- Now save this file as locker.bat and you are done.
Step 5:- Now Open the Locker.bat file and enter your password to open a private folder of yours.
Step 6:- Now copy paste the files which you want to hide and make it secure in the private folder.
Step 7:- Now again open the Locker.bat file and press 'Y' to lock the private folder with your password.
Step 8:- Now to again open the secured files open the locker.bat file Enter your password and your files are there for you.
NOTE: “You can use Bat to exe converter and can convert it into .exe file to safeguard the code above.”

Thursday 28 November 2013

Get more Facebook likes,share; Twitter followers; Website Traffic and much more....

Want to get more Facebook likes, shares & followers ?
Want more Twitter followers ?
Want more Google's +1, Stumbleupon followers, Soundcloud followers, YouTube likes, YouTube views and more traffic to your site ????
Then create a account in FanHolic & get started to get all these.

FanHolic Logo

FanHolic's exchange system allows you to pick and choose who you want to follow, like, view and skip those who you are not interested in. The exchange system is very simple.Every time you like, follow or view another members social media pages, you will receive coins which then you can use to get more followers, likes, views or visitors to your website or social media pages.

So, why you are waiting for ?
Just head to their website and start getting more likes, followers and much more.

If you have any more questions in your mind then go here to learn more about FanHolic.

FanHolic - Get free Facebook page likes, Facebook followers, Facebook Shares, YouTube Hits and much more!

RazerGreen Skin pack free download for Windows 8

RazerGreen skin Pack for Windows 8 (Free Download)

Screen Shot

How to Download: 

Download link for Win8 x64


Download link for Win8 x86

How to install ?

Just download the required installer for your PC and install it.
Please note that be sure to remove older skin packs before installing this skin pack.

If you have any problem regarding the skin pack just leave a comment below and we will get to you as soon as possible. :)

Monday 18 November 2013



Love Typing ? Have a good typing speed ? Well, now you can earn money by typing words that are given to you. Today, while searching for some money making websites on Google, i found an amazing website that pays you just for typing captcha's. Whenever you register to a site or comment on a blog, you need to type captcha code correctly and then proceed to the next step but you don't get paid for it. Megatypers is a website that pays you just for typing captcha's and their paying rates are also very good.

How to get started ?

Step 1: Go to Megatypers and Sign Up.  Its free.

Step 2: On the registering form, you will be asked for an Invitation code. Type: 60BE (This is my affiliate code).

Step 3: Click Register.

What are the Payment Methods ?

Megatypers accept Liberty Reserve, Paypal and Western Union only. So, make sure you have an account on any of these websites.

What is the minimum payout ?

For Liberty Reserve, Paypal and Webmoney, the minimum payout is $3.00 USD

For Western Union, the minimum payout is $ 100.00 USD.


SuperX stands for "Simple, User friendly, Powerful,Energetic and Robust eXperience". SuperX is a Linux-basedcomputer operating system originally developed in Guwahati, the capital city of the state of Assam in India. SuperX uses a tweaked version of KDE and is aimed towards beginners, casual users and business looking for a well supported user-friendly Linux OS.

SuperX 2.1 “Ada” is a minor update to Darwin and contains mostly performance tweaks and updated software stack. This release is named after Ada Lovelace, one of the pioneers of computing, she is often described as world's first computer programmer. If you have installed Darwin and constantly updating it, you are probably running Ada at the moment as they have updated the packages few weeks ago but no downloadable ISOs were available then.
Minor Release (Continuation from Darwin): Starting SuperX 2.0 “Darwin” ,they adopted a whole new release model which differs fundamentally with previous 1.x releases. They are now going our their way, making a diversion from their upstream distribution. SuperX 2.1 is a way forward to that diversion.
SuperX still use Ubuntu codebase but starting from Darwin release, they only use the LTS versions and development is done on its solid foundation. But unlike other solid, stability concerned Linux OS, SuperX provide the latest user land software. They are keeping their core stable but will provide latest and greatest apps, all tested before its pushed to the users. One note, "latest" here doesn't mean bleeding edge. They provide relatively new versions of apps as compared to Ubuntu LTS provided that they clear all their tests. Tests includes KDE desktop integration, Stability and Usability etc..
User Experience: As an effort of enhancing user experiencing in Ada, they have removed certain software from the default selection that doesn’t play well with SuperX or if they have a very specialized audience which complements SuperX’s goal of being a general purpose/daily driver OS.
Major Applications removed from the default install are:
1. Firefox - Yes it is a great browser, but Chromium plays better with SuperX, especially when it comes to global menu integration.
2. Blender - Very specialized application, showcases the power of open source development. They removed it because the “real” use of this great software is limited to 3D designers/animators only.
Apart from this, they've updated KDE to 4.10.5, the final increment in the 4.10 series. KDE 4.11.x packages are still under testing.
32-bit edition: SuperX 2.0 Darwin was 64 bit only, but they promised to come up with a 32 bit version also. SuperX 2.1 is now available in both 32-bit (PAE) and 64-bit architectures.
They said few weeks ago that they'll make a 'wrapper' script for SuperX that will allow users use package manager commands for non-Debian distros in SuperX. They've postponed it until next release due to some technical reasons.
Plasma Theme “whiten” at times: Sometimes Plasma theme “whitens”, the transparency is gone and it doesn’t look good although no impact on performance is noticed. You can fix it by running “superx-theme-refresh” from the Terminal.
SuperX 2.1 'Ada' is available for free download on their official site:


Activate Windows DreamScene On Windows 7.

Hei guys, I'm here with another trick for customizing windows. Today, I am gonna tell you how to make a video your wallpaper. This feature is already in Windows 7, but we have to manually activate it. This feature is known as Windows DreamScene. It enables us to make a video our wallpaper. So, I've found an app for this and gonna share it here. This is a very tiny app and will activate this feature on your PC.

Windows DreamScene

Download the app from the following link: Download Windows DreamScene Activator

Q. How to use the app ?
Ans: Just download the app, extract it and run it as administrator.

Windows DreamScene Activator

Q. How to set a video as the desktop background or wallpaper ?
Ans: Just select any video of .mpg or .wmv format and right click and select "Set as DreamScene".

NB: Please make sure that you have selected the option of "Show translucent selection rectangle" option in the "Adjust the appearance and performance of windows" menu in the Control Panel.

That's all, now you are done and ready to enjoy with your new video desktop background.

Source: Door2Windows